Working collectively for ALL of
San Francisco’s
children and families
Ensuring all families have access to the supports and services they need to thrive.
  • > 25,000 Individuals Served
  • 91% Low Income
  • 20 Languages
    spoken by Families
  • 12 Policies
  • 45 Member

* Stats effective 2023

Upcoming Events

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CM 102: The Importance of Documentation in Case Management
Wednesday February 19, 10:30 AM
This is the second part of a three-part series, this second training focuses on the importance of documentation. How to write case notes and how to use the DAP model in your case management, why it's important to document, and why consulting is essential.
Understanding Bias and Oppression and How it Impacts Families
Thursday February 20, 10:00 AM
Partner Spotlight:
Our Family Coalition
Supporting LGBTQ+
Parents, Children and Families

Our Family Coalition advances equity for the full and expanding spectrum of LGBTQ families and children through support, education, and advocacy. Uniquely situated at the intersection of LGBTQ+ and family justice work, we are powered by community, and inspired by a love of children and families and a vision of a just society where we all belong and thrive.

Finding a community that affirmed his identity as both a queer person and a parent was crucial for Monix.

Monix, Their Story with Our Family Coalition

For more information from Our Family Coalition:

New & Notable
New Family Violence Council Report Informs Investment in Family Support

The Family Violence Council (FVC), a coalition of 28 agencies spanning City departments and community organizations, provides guidance to the Board of Supervisors and Mayor on child abuse, domestic violence, and elder abuse. As lead of the SF Child Abuse Prevention Council, Safe & Sound tri-chairs the FVC, alongside chairs from the Domestic Violence Consortium and Consortium for Elder Abuse Prevention.

Drawing data from over 10 city agencies and 27 community organizations, the FY ’22-FY ‘23 report provides insight into family violence in San Francisco. It includes data on the SF Family Resource Center Initiative’s role in preventing child abuse and neglect. One of the five recommendations is to “improve and/or maintain access to basic and emergency needs to keep our city’s most vulnerable populations safe and help prevent family violence,” an essential element of family support organizations’ work. The FVC tri-chairs and representatives from MOVR have been meeting with members of the Board of Supervisors as well as the Mayor’s Office to advocate for FVC priorities, including ensuring that the city preserves existing services to prevent family violence.